Adolph Kaestner District 74 Director 1988/89

Adolph Kaestner District 74 Director 1988/89

The WOW – Note/Letter

Many years ago (1988/89) when I was the DG (DD) for D74 I realised the value of Recognition.

That is when I came up with the Maxim – “What Gets Recognised – Gets Repeated!”

To put this into action I had printed a small Note Pad (see the Picture).

During meetings I would be looking out for somebody that had really WOW’ d me – or had taken 3 extra miles to do something – like a speech or role etc.

I would then write a short note to them on the pad and fold it in half – put their name on it and pass it around the table to them.

Watching the reaction was priceless.  What’s more the others in the meeting were all dying to know what was on the note.

When I started Training and Speaking Professionally this became one of my key teachings to all management and leadership teams.

I call it the WOW Letter. 

How it works – I advise all delegated to go to their electronic diaries and book out 30 minutes on a Friday afternoon from 3 to 330 pm.

Then in this time to write a WOW letter to anybody who had wowed them that week. Short letter stating what the person had done exceptionally and gave me a WOW Moment.

Then to send it to the person and copy in their boss or supervisor or the MD – hey why not all 3. (finding details on the internet is easy)

Three Critical Rules

  1. You must send a WOW letter every week
  2. The person does not have to be a colleague – it could be a petrol attendant , a receptionist, a person serving you , your colleague who helped you without asking etc etc. (My latest one is going to be to my new optometrist – who has lifted the bar in care and service by 200% since I started wearing glasses 53 years ago)
  3. Never send and recognise EFFORT Alone – Only Recognise Results. ( When we recognise effort on its own we start making effort only look sufficient and that breeds mediocrity)

What is the Purpose of all this you may be asking?

  • Firstly it will completely change the way you look at things — what this means that you will be looking out for the good happening around you so you can choose the person to receive the WOW letter on Friday.
  • When you are looking out for the good and not finding fault and joining the bitch parade – your personal Attitude will change to being very positive and so too will this impact on your life in all areas.
  • The Person receiving the letter will be Blown Away – and will keep that letter forever in their BRAG Box
  • Their boss will recognise the workers excellence

Have fun and enjoy the benefits of becoming a WOW letter and Note Giver

Adolph Kaestner DTM