Leaving A Legacy

Leaving A Legacy

What was the state of your club when you took over as Vice President Membership:

• A club at charter strength of 20 members?

• A club below charter strength but above 13?

• A club with less than 13 members?

The question you should be asking yourself is what legacy will you be leaving behind when you have completed your role as Vice President Membership. Your goal should be to leave your club in a better state than when it was handed to you. That is the true test of whether you were successful as the Vice President Membership.

There is a lot of talk within the Toastmasters family that 30 is the new 20. A membership of 20 has always been the “magical” number to run successful clubs but the reality is that 20 people in attendance at a meeting is actually the magical number which means that you need a membership base of 30 to regularly achieve that.


If your club had a base of 20 strive to get that number to 25 by the end of June.

If your club was below charter strength but above 13 then strive to have added an additional 5 members to that number by the end of June

If your club had less than 13 members then please talk to myself or Adolph Kestner about appointing a coach if you have not already done so and together with your coach strive to have added an additional 5 members to that number by the end of June.

With Talk up Toastmasters as an added incentive giving your club a ribbon and a voucher of R250 if those 5 members are added between Feb and March, all I’m going to say now is:

Go for it!!!

Merryl Jubber