Speechcraft for Professional Growth

Speechcraft for Professional Growth

Article by Michael Shackleton, Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)

Robert Kiyosaki states in his worldwide bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad, that as your communication skills improve your level of success automatically increases.  This insight is a useful tool to remember for individuals and organisations. However, it’s not enough just to know this insight. In order to experience the increased level of success which Kiyosaki speaks about, action must be taken.

It is for this reason that Toastmasters International has developed the Speechcraft program.

Communication skills are essential in business and result in improved cash flow, a greater ability to build networks and inject capital and even to raise morale among one’s own employees, thereby increasing teamwork and ultimately results.

One can also negotiate better with suppliers through improved communication skills and even mediate conflict and negotiate mergers and acquisitions.

Speechcraft is an intensive public speaking course (4, 6 or 8 weeks) in the essentials of speaking in public, communication and leading meetings. Fundamental skills are taught, such as: speaking, listening, introducing a speaker, evaluating a speech, providing feedback as well as roles in meetings.

It is not incumbent upon anyone who takes the program to join Toastmasters International, however, we have no doubt that the program will demonstrate the value of further involvement in Toastmasters to the attendees.

Whilst Toastmasters is known for improving public speaking, it’s actual slogan is “Where Leaders are Made.” The skills taught in the Speechcraft program develop an increased sense of responsibility to one’s workplace and community.

We urge you to find out more about this program by contacting the Toastmasters Public Relations Manager for Southern Africa, Andrew Tsuro DTM at: pr@toastmasters74.org