Why did you Join Toastmasters?

Why did you Join Toastmasters?

It has been ten beautiful years with the Toastmasters family. The
question which prominent is “why did you join the Toastmasters?”
unfortunately the answer was never addressed because if it was… I should
be married by now. I was looking for a prospect. So the question that I
can answer is why did I stay or still am a member?  There are three aspects:
platform, opportunity and someone who believes in you or have your
interest at heart. I can then sum this as a recipe for personal growth.

In my journey I have met people who have pushed me outside my comfort
zone (where growth is) only because they said I believe in you. The
career I chose which is Chemistry matched my personality because as a
shy girl to be in the lab and talking to glassware was exactly what I
needed. When I joined the Toastmasters everything changed, not only did
I find the Me in Me but also realised that the lab was not for me. I
changed careers and ended up in Training and Development.
Platform and opportunity was presented. Once again and with a
little push of I believe in you and I saw myself representing Division E
for three consecutive years in an International Prepared speech

 From a person who would shy away from a spotlight to a person who invites spotlight. Yes I’m still single but I  have the Toastmasters family.

Pursue your dreams and you will undoubtedly become great!

by Mimi Makupula