How to get started as Treasurer

How to get started as Treasurer

The first thing I wish people told me is that it is not just about collecting members’ dues and paying expenses. However, it is about performing a fiduciary duty to members through sound fiscal management. It is about acting prudently when dealing with members’ money and having the highest degree of excellence and precision. The Treasurer should keep good records of all income and expenses supported by claims, invoices and receipts. The Treasurer should be ready to answer and give proper proof on finances to the members whenever requested to do so. All income and expenses should be in line with Toastmasters’ Bylaws and Policies. The Treasurer should prepare and present budgets with actual year to date figures. Monthly funds movements should be prepared and presented in the form of a Cash Flow Statement. The Treasurer should also prepare and present a Profit and Loss statement as well as a Statement of financial position. The Treasurer’s role is not just about bookkeeping but it is about financial management!

Secondly, I wish people told me that it is not just about being a Treasurer but it is about being a key player in the success of the Club, Area, Division and District at large. He / she should not just be a team member but a team player. The Treasurer is expected to add leadership value to the Club and District. The Treasurer is expected to help with the Distinguished Club Program and consequently Distinguished District Program. The Treasurer should play a supportive role to the Club President and entire Club EXCO.

Those days when I feel low on energy, I always remind myself that this Treasurer role is about having an appointment with my inner self and pouring my heart into the role! Leadership is about giving your whole being to the leadership role you are performing!

Gerson Veundja Kamatuka, DTM
Finance Manager