District 74 welcomes the Good to Great Speakers Club

The Good to Great Speakers Club, in Division A, became the first new club in the 2020/2021 year to be chartered on 6 August 2020. The Division A Director, Vusi Maupa and the Area A1 Director, under which the club falls, were part of the charter event on 22 August 2020 via an exhilarating global online event. Thanks to the club Sponsors, Division Director Vusi Maupa and Bheki Ngomane, as well as Club mentors, Yonela Motloung and Mduduzi Mthanti, who, among others, made this club charter a reality.

The Club mainly serves amateur and semi-professional speakers and leaders from all walks of life who are ready to transition from being good to great speakers. This learning platform is set to help them professionalise their speaking and leadership skills. The club is situated in Pretoria, but in this COVID-19 pandemic era, the club meets online and caters for a global audience. “You never know how to be great if you choose to remain good, so choose the Good to Great Speakers Club today,” the A1 Area Director, Dr Talent Muzambi said in conclusion.

Meeting days & times: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 16:15 hours to 18:15 hours.

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