Division O – Creating a unified front of excellence and transformational leadership

Division O – Creating a unified front of excellence and transformational leadership

Gratitude is what I am feeling as I leave my role as Division O Director. I am feeling grateful for having taken up the challenge and learning so much from it. Just like I learnt the hard way the difference between moving water (ocean) and still water (swimming pool), I also learnt how easy it is to criticise your leaders when you are just a club member until you are in a leadership position yourself then you have to learn the nitty gritties of good leadership.

The one lesson I will be taking from this experience is that no man is an island. There were times I felt alone and unsupported because I wasn’t reaching out. I was afraid to embrace those people that were reaching out to me for fear of being labelled weak. I know better now. People always showed up when I needed help, even without my asking. It was amazing to connect and learn from people in my Division and beyond, that I have never met physically. I gained a lot of new mentors too, including Granny Be and the late Merryl Jubber.

There were numerous highlights throughout the year, including our first and second COT which were a success. Our speech contest was successful. It was awesome meeting other Cabinet members at the Royal Elephant hotel earlier in the year. There was so much to learn in a fun filled environment. The journey and the support have been out of this world.

Thato Raphael – outgoing Division O Director

There is a quote in the book, the 8th Habit, “Find your voice, inspire others to find theirs.” This observation by author, Dr. Stephen Richards Covey resonates with me and I see my life purpose and work in this statement. My goal as the Division O Director is to guide the Division leadership of Namibia, Botswana and Mafikeng to articulate their ‘African Story’  and become better communicators. I look forward to extracting the strengths and energies from the two Southern African countries and creating a unified front of excellence and transformational leadership.

Erica Mulondo -Division O Director elect