When you visit other clubs you get to learn what they are doing differently and you may pick up new things to implement in your club that will give you greater results. There is also an opportunity for you to participate in their meeting and add value to the Toastmasters family. Since the start of this Toastmasters year I have had the opportunity to visit clubs outside my Division including; Mbabane Toastmasters Club, Pinnacle Advanced Club, Soweto Positive Speakers, Gaborone Breakfast Club, Mahikeng Toastmasters, ToastED Toastmasters and most recently Randburg Toastmasters where I was one of their Keynote Speakers for their special event. I belong to L’Amour Club in Harare, Zimbabwe
What I learnt from my visit to Randburg Toastmasters is that the communication doesn’t start on the day of the meeting. Their Vice President Education initiated communication prior to their event and then handed me to the Vice President Public Relations. I met new people and made new friends. I shared my Toastmasters journey and left them fired up to squeeze every single dollar out of their subscriptions. These Toastmasters were welcoming, their energy was high and I would highly recommend you to visit Randburg Toastmasters.