Mentor/Mentee – Antonieta Manhiça and Xana Maunze

Mentor/Mentee – Antonieta Manhiça and Xana Maunze

My name is Antonieta Capitine Manhiça from Maputo Toastmasters Club in Mozambique.What I learnt from being a mentor to Xana Maunze is that we have open conversations between us which creates a safe and supportive environment, which means freely sharing each others life journey. It adds value in my life by allowing me to be more attentive to others’ objectives apart from my own and not be judgemental. The relationship it has created is a strong bond and a healthy wellbeing between Xana and me. We enjoy and value the time we spend together. We discuss and agree upon expectations of each other with a willingness to live up to those expectations. Being mentored has made Xana inspired enough to take up leadership roles in Toastmasters and explore more of her amazing creative side.