Mentor/Mentee – Nirasha Sampson

Mentor/Mentee – Nirasha Sampson

I am Nirasha Sampson from Umgeni Water Pietermaritzburg, in South Africa. Since 2016, I have had the opportunity to be mentored by the District’s finest leaders who include Division P Director Joanne Schmitt, the Area P2 Director Evelyn Alessandri, and two coaches Harry Thompson and Nicki Varty. What makes my journey easier is that my mentors are able to balance their experience and wisdom whilst allowing me to learn and grow independently. After every meeting, I am inspired to do better, be better and show my mentors that their efforts have not gone in vain. Establishing and growing a corporate club would not have been possible without the help of dedicated mentors. With their constructive guidance and passion for Toastmasters they are able to hold the club together and nurture each individual member to be a better version of who you are.