Mentorship without borders

Mentorship without borders

Why Mentors Should Invest In Their Own Leadership Skills First

“Put your own mask on first before assisting others”. An important safety message on flights. Toastmasters has helped me understand that I am others. That investing in my own leadership and development journey greatly enhances my impact in the everyday world. So, in my drive to lead and mentor others, I decided to put my own mask on first by enrolling in the Mentorship Without Borders programme.

My name is Chantelle Ashley. Before joining, I assumed that Toastmasters was about improving my public speaking skills. I have discovered that this is just the beginning! In sessions such as Mentorship Without Borders, I have had the opportunity to sharpen transferable skills that improve my ability to guide and support others in their development through authentic, practical assignments that include research, application and feedback.

Now that I understand that this is what putting my own mask on first looks like, I encourage fellow leaders and professionals to invest in themselves by doing the same.

The first session of Mentorship without Borders took place on Monday 19 October 2020 and practical activities have commenced since then. Out next meeting will be on Monday 16th November, 2020.

For any queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact Andrew Tsuro, the programme initiator on;