Note from the Editor

Note from the Editor

It has been a challenging start to the year for many of us, as we returned from the holidays and went straight into lockdown and overfull schedules. As I talk with friends and colleagues about plans, the word “hectic” keeps coming up, and I think we should find that a little worrisome. A hectic fever is what you get when you have consumption. It looks a lot like excitement, but ultimately, you’re consumed. Thankfully, you’re not alone. Toastmasters is a strong community, and we’re all in this together.

This, our second issue in 2021 is a call to take a breath and remember what it is that we’re doing, and why. Our cover star, Trynos ‘The Jaggernaut’ Dongo, Division Z Director and his team need no reminder as they are set on spreading the gospel of the best kept secret in Zimbabwe and beyond.

We celebrate and remember yet another one of our own, Joy Stander who passed away this month. Good things ought to be shared.  This newsletter is a snapshot to capture the various upcoming and current events, like the COTii, the MayCon and club anniversaries. We always welcome  news on the regular pillars, New Member Moments, Emissaries, Mentor/Mentees and all club Social Events.

Enjoy the newsletter and we hope that it will enrich your mind and motivate you to reach your goals. If you are not a member of Toastmasters yet, consider visiting any one of our Toastmasters clubs to have an experience you will not regret nor forget.

We love hearing about and from our awesome community, so please send your 50-100 words story ideas with high resolution pictures and conforming to our regular pillars to  and Cc  and as always, thank you for reading Achieving Excellence

Be well, keep safe 
