I had the privilege of working as a quality controller for a leading multinational beverages company. Part of my duties included using a scale to weigh chemicals which we used for the quality checking processes. Without fail, every single Monday I would check the reading on the scale against specific weights that we kept in the lab. These weights were standard weights manufactured precisely to a specific weight. We bought and kept them for that specific purpose. If the scale reading was not in line with the standard weight, as it sometimes was, I would make an adjustment so that it would read the correct weight. Comparing the scale reading to the standard weights and making adjustments is the process of calibration.
Every six months Toastmasters gives us an opportunity to calibrate. That opportunity is Club Officer Training. Between June and August in 2020 club leaders received training and between December 2020 and February 2021 there is another opportunity for training. This is the time to reflect and compare our processes to the “standard weights” of the Toastmasters Programme. Toastmasters has been in existence for close to a century and what has sustained it and many other leading global organisations is the constant “calibration”.
The scale that I used in that quality control lab was probably there many years before I used it and more after I left the lab. The weekly routine happened without fail to ensure that the quality procedures were always on point. Regardless of how many times you have attended Club Officer Training you will benefit yourself and your club by attending the “calibration” training. Take the opportunity to attend a scheduled Club Officer Training between now and the end of February and, not only grow you leadership and teamwork capacity but, also help your club to move towards being distinguished. Trained officers make successful clubs.
My name is Edmore B Gamundani, DTM
TLI Chairman District 74