Toastmasters Rotary Alliance

Toastmasters Rotary Alliance

Very early in the morning of 19 August 2020, a joint ground breaking Southern Africa Zoom meeting between District 74 Toastmasters and District 9210 Rotarians took place. A whooping 62 people attended the one hour long event, including the Districts’ high ranking leaders from both sides.

The objectives of the joint event included highlighting the greater accomplishments that would result from the collaboration in philanthropy, leadership and communication. Toastmasters is the perfect platform where Rotarians can come and learn better leadership and presentation skills so as to be persuasive, inspirational and compelling to their teams or on proposal presentations. On the other hand, Rotary is the ideal platform to use for those Toastmasters who would like to give back to their communities. There are several dual members already in Southern Africa and the numbers are expected to grow as the joint interactions continue.

The main areas of focus for Rotarians worldwide include; basic education and literacy, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, economic and community development, peace and conflict prevention and resolution.

There is need to capitalize on the strengths and complimentary services of the two organizations. Rotary clubs can be found in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique which make up District 9210. To find a Rotary club near you, please go to;