Why I renew my membership – Enias Chingwe

Why I renew my membership – Enias Chingwe

A lot of people ask me, “Enias you have been attending Toastmasters for more than 5 years, have you not learnt the art of public speaking? Why are you still attending Toastmasters meeting?”

Indeed, I have mastered the art of public speaking and can present proficient speeches. However, when I joined Toastmasters I didn’t know that there is a plethora of skills that you learn besides public speaking. These other skills are the reason why I have stayed on. There are 3 main reasons why I continuously renew my membership:

  • Honing Leadership skills

Toastmasters has exposed me to different leadership positions that have unlocked the latent leader in me. I got an opportunity to lead our club Mariswe Toastmasters as a President and rose to be an Area Director of 5 clubs. During my tenure, I managed to craft a vision, mission, strategy and a plan which are the critical ingredients for leadership. There are more leaderships opportunities that I am exploring so as to grow as a leader. Toastmasters is indeed “Where Leaders Are Made”

  • Training Skills

Toastmasters gave me an opportunity to transition from being a speaker to a trainer. I attended a full day workshop where I learnt the key facets of training. I got certified as a TLI Trainer and since I have managed to train club officers to perform in their respective club roles.

  • Networks Skills

Toastmasters has enabled me to build an excellent network of people that have helped me to boost my career, business and social life. The relationships that I built in Toastmasters are long lasting and authentic. There is always a constant cross pollination of ideas and encouragement.

Without Toastmasters I would not have been able to build these life changing skills. Toastmasters is now my way of life. If you want to change your life, join a Toastmasters club, and meet physically or online.