Why I renew my membership – Zivai Matondo, DTM

Why I renew my membership – Zivai Matondo, DTM

Seven years ago someone shared Toastmasters with me. I have never stopped renewing my membership since then.

It would be criminal of me not to share this best kept secret with others. In February 2021, I embarked on my DTM Project titled Pay It Forward. I am working with a team of zealous Toastmasters to launch 3 new clubs. When the Toastmasters bug bites you, you can no longer keep quiet about it. Members of my club invite guests and visitors to club meetings. On 18 February we had 28 participants in our club meeting. We had guests from as far as Botswana as well as visiting Toastmasters from Engineers, Evolving Ladies, Gaborone & Old Mutual.

I will take the support I have had in Toastmasters over the years and pay it forward by inviting guests and visitors to club meetings, by sponsoring new members and by sponsoring new clubs. I challenge you to choose to pay it forward.