A Worthy Journey-Treasurers

A Worthy Journey-Treasurers

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. But that’s a lie, any worthy journey that you are going to embark on technically begins with commitment in the mind. You can’t just take that first step without first assessing your needs and where you want to go, otherwise you will easily fail.
In your mind you have to assess the ‘Why’ and the ‘How’ part of the journey and this will help you succeed. Why did you choose to become a member of Toastmasters International? Is it for the personal and professional development, networking purposes or you googled and found out Toastmasters is one of the best things you could do in the world? You have your reasons and that is good, the why made you become a part of this international organisation which helps you take care of the how part of your thousand miles.
A thousand miles is a long way to go so logically you will need a lot to make it a successful journey. It might not be always smooth but it is worth it. But what’s more important is your participation to make it work. A journey of a Toastmaster exists because throughout the years there were members who paid their subscriptions and those contributions were used to facilitate the Research & Development which improved and continues to improve the education program. What you see now and what you keep receiving from Toastmasters International is a result of the small investment you and thousands of people around the world keep making, and I just want to remind you that you should not stop.
Every 6 months you are required to collect an investment of only $45 per member to make sure that they keep being active and eligible to receive materials and online access to the education program the organisation offers. This is the How. People joined Toastmasters because they want to learn, improve and network with great minds and in order for that to go on this investment has to go on. It is your role to help them keep investing in their growth. You have to fuel the car/bus/plane to get to any destination which is a thousand miles, this is important. Toastmasters is the car and the membership biannual subscription is the fuel so let’s all chip in and ensure that fellow members get to their desired destination with no delays.
People need Toastmasters and Toastmasters needs members. Your club, its members and the future generation of great public speakers and leaders need you. So make that commitment today, call up your members and help them deposit that investment which will assure that they continue with their personal and professional journey. This is important also because it improves the program so that members get more value and they can offer the world a better and improved version of themselves. Keep the commitment and have yourself a worthy journey as treasurer.

Bobo Baleseng Thobane
Gaborone Breakfast Club Treasurer