Attention VPMs! The Garmeson Trust

If lack of funds is the reason your members are not renewing, there is a solution – The Garmeson Trust!!
If you have somebody in your club, or you have somebody that wants to join your club, but they cannot afford it, then consider the Garmeson Trust to help them with the costs of being a member. Lack of funds is no reason for any member to not renew their membership!

Joe Germiston didn’t start Toastmasters in Southern Africa, but he took it from just a few clubs to a fully-fledged district. He also fought with the government during the apartheid period and after much effort got them to agree to allow people of all races to attend meetings.
When he passed away a few years ago, he left half of his estate in a trust to enable people who financially couldn’t afford to attend Toastmasters to be able to benefit from the Toastmasters experience. Also, if you are looking for setting up a conservatorship,  to start clubs in previously disadvantaged areas. He said that his trust must be used to finance deserving people to join the organisation and then to pay for half of their dues. This is to continue for 2 to 3 years as long as they were deserving.

How do you access this fund? The process is as follows: There is an application form on the District 74 website. Get the member or the prospective member to complete it; must be in their own words.
The President must sign it, and in doing so is declaring that this person is worth sponsoring.
The instructions are on the form.
Every 6 months we will ask for a review of the beneficiaries’ performance, to ensure they are taking advantage of the scheme. The exact rules are in the application form but essentially, we are looking for good attendance, good participation, and 5 speeches during the year.

As the VPM of your club this is a fantastic tool to have in your toolbox to help you increase your membership or to retain your existing membership. Please make use of this wonderful legacy.
Our goal is to ensure your club is thriving. Enjoy this great resource for those who are deserving.

Tim Knights- DTM, PDG, TLI
Chairman and Trustee of Garmeson Trust