Renewals! Renewals! President’s Role.

Renewals! Renewals! President’s Role.

When I think of September, I am reminded of a conversation I had with a Club President in October of 2016. She shared with me how she had remained with no one to lead as her club members had not renewed their membership. There are 2 key questions you need to be able to answer as Club President if you are going to get through the month of September successfully:
1. How many of your current members will be renewing with your club? Successful clubs run successful meetings and you need enough paid up members to be able to run a successful meeting. It is therefore imperative to ensure that you know how many members from your club will be renewing so that you can ensure that they do not experience an interruption of service. This is a process that should have begun as early as June/July when you surveyed your members of their interests. Or maybe it begun last month when you invoiced your members. If you still don’t know the answer to the above question, you have 28 more days to find out the answer – invoice them – collect payment – and remit funds to Toastmasters International

Did you know: If your club pays for 20 members (renewing, new, dual or reinstated) by 20 September, your club will be awarded the Treasurer’s Excellence Award and be rewarded with a voucher worth R250 which can be used towards stock purchases or your next conference ticket?

2. How many members will not be renewing with your club? Some of you may be asking, do I really need to know this if I already have the answer to number 1 – the answer is ABSOLUTELY! It is important to know how many members won’t be renewing so that you can plan to replace them. Last month, the Smedley Membership Campaign begun, how many new members have you managed to convert? To qualify for the Smedley Award, you need 5 new, dual or reinstated members to join the club with a join date in August or September. These members will ensure that you continue enjoying the quality meetings and energy your club enjoys. In fact, new members bring more energy and ideas to the club that take your members’ experience to the next level.

Did you know, if you achieve the Smedley Award your club will receive sentimental recognition from Toastmasters International and Club Fitness Rewards as follows:
(a) a R250 voucher which can be used towards purchasing stock from our Stock Custodian or the May Conference (plus a ribbon for your banner from Toastmasters International)

(b) An additional R250 voucher provided your club achieves Smedley Award having submitted a PR and Membership Conversion Plan by August 17.
(c) Clubs with a base of less than 13 members will receive a R150 voucher if they add 3 new members, up to R200 worth of PR material and/or Facebook Advertising subsidy provided your club submits a PR and Membership Conversion Plan on time.
• If you are able to ensure your club renewals and add new members, I promise you, your chances of success in this Toastmasters year will be greatly enhanced. Do not hesitate to reach out to your Area Director should you require any further support.

• One more thing, I would like to personally invite you to join us for our first ever Virtual Council Meeting on Saturday, 29 September 2018 at 2pm. It is very important that you as President and your VPE be present as we will be discussing important business that will affect your club. I would be honoured if you can set aside time to join us. Please RSVP for this call on by clicking on this link Virtual Council Meeting
I look forward to having you there.