To be honest, change is a really uncomfortable experience, especially if you have just gotten used to a routine that works for you.
During a period of change, it’s not only the bad things that have a chance to fall away, such as unhealthy habits or toxic relationships, but my fear has been that in the process the good things slip away too. How does one accept and let go of what we see as the good in our lives during a period of change? I am sure we have all felt this at some point in our lives – maybe letting go of a relationship or moving from one job to another. For me, letting go of my couch that had seen me through university was one of the hardest things I ever had to do! I guess we all share the common need of finding our way through life and succeeding in these ever changing times.
Don’t lose momentum; prepare yourself with the skills needs to navigate successfully through change again and again by:
• Adapting quickly
• Anticipating change
• Accepting change when it happens
• Understanding the scope of change thoroughly
• Finding a way to enjoy change
If there is a simple book that speaks truth about change it will have to be Spencer Johnson’s ‘Who moved my cheese’; A simple parable that reveals profound truths about change. In this book, cheese is a metaphor for the things we want in life, whatever they may be – a good job, a loving relationship, losing weight or advancing your Toastmasters journey amongst other things. The book’s four characters represent our different personalities and how they react to this change, and the maze represents where you look for what you want (perhaps your Toastmasters Club, the company you work in or the gym).
Change causes change, if we had never embraced change then we would be stagnant, irrelevant or maybe even extinct! I am encouraged by Toastmasters from across Southern Africa who have rolled up their sleeves and taken up this challenge that many corporates are drowning in, which speaks the truth of why Corporate clubs are important. You want to go back to being normal after this shock? Then you might as well be setting yourself up for failure. Take advantage of the free online platforms and virtual training that is available through Toastmasters meetings and contests, who knows, when this is all over you might be the Keynote speaker at a conference presenting on Virtual communication based on your experience.
By Kage Kgobero