Did you know about the District Council Meeting?

Did you know about the District Council Meeting?

My home country, South Africa, is about to hold their general elections on the 8th of May 2019. This is something that happens every 4 years and a great deal of activity and excitement happens during the months leading up to the elections for a new government. Campaigning begins many months before and candidates and political parties start canvassing and making promises to their electorate for what they will deliver if they are elected to rule the country.

Toastmasters International holds elections from club level right up to International Headquarters on an annual basis and just like the elections that are imminent within South Africa; there is as much excitement over our elections within District 74. We have received a list of candidates who are standing for offices within the last few days and are looking forward to our annual election on Saturday 18th May 2019 during the Annual General meeting for D74.

During the AGM, District Council, who comprise of Cabinet, Division and Area Directors, Presidents and Vice President Education, will unite to make decisions for District 74 and to elect leaders for the year ahead.

For members who form part of District council who are unable to attend the conference and attend this important meeting, it is vitally important to assign a proxy to a club member who is attending conference. It is imperative for the council to obtain a quorum of votes for this meeting to accept and approve motions that are presented at the meeting, as well as to elect our new office bearers.

Please note that a proxy can only be assigned to a member of your club and may not be assigned to a person who is not a member of your club. One person may hold a maximum of three votes, so an Area or Division Director may hold the proxy for their home club and their own votes, but may not hold proxies for more than one club if they hold dual membership. Please note that in order to be eligible to assign and receive a proxy, your club, yourself and the proxy holder all need to be in good standing.

In order to assign your proxy, please follow the link below:

Please visit the credentials desk and see me to register for confirmation of your presence for the meeting and collect the voting devices.

Karen Armour DTM

Credentials Chairman