District Director – #onestepforward

District Director – #onestepforward

What an incredible year we had in 2018-2019 we broke new District 74 records, we grew the number of clubs by 12% and we now have more clubs in Southern Africa than we have ever had 217 clubs & more clubs are showing their excellence, 140 clubs are at least DISTINGUISHED

We truly are #peoplemakinghistory & it is now time for us all to take #onestepforward. With the growth, we have many many of our members who have been on their journey for less than 2 years & many of them have not yet registered an educational award.

Now is our time, the beginning of the year, to take #onestepforward, whatever that one step is for you. I know that step is different for every single one of us. Our longest serving members Tom Horne, Ben Lurie & Peter Kuhn step will be very different from my one step forward & the 100’s of members that started their Toastmasters journey in June 2019.

The #onestepforward could be your first speech, it could be your last speech to getting a Pathways level, it could be organising a big event, it could be taking on a Club or District leadership role… it could be being the Toastmaster, it could even simply be giving someone honest feedback.

Wherever you are… the A-Z of Southern Africa… let’s take #onestepforward!

Nikki Quinn, DTM
District Director – District 74