District Director – Frank Tsuro DTM

District Director – Frank Tsuro DTM

As we are fast approaching the festive holidays I have started seeing people shopping for gifts for their loved ones. While for some this is an enjoyable event, for some of us it can be stressful finding the right gift in the congested of malls.

This holiday, I would like to challenge you to consider offering at least one person (colleague, friend or family) one of the best gifts you can give anyone, the opportunity to be a member of Toastmasters. At my last home club meeting, we shared our year’s highlights and for some it was joining Toastmasters. Imagine the kind of start this gift would give to your loved one?

Toastmasters changes lives. Your life has probably been transformed as a result of your experience in Toastmasters. Let’s join hands this holiday and change as many lives as we can by sharing the privilege of Toastmasters with at least one  loved one at a club near them before the end of the year.


Frank Tsuro DTM

District Director District 74