Each One Bring One

Each One Bring One

Dear Vice President of Public Relations, have you ever had a fortunate coincidence?

For a long time, Frank nagged me to join him. I was hell bent convinced I was a great speaker already. I even remember sending my friends to attend this Toastmasters thing, after all, they needed it more…or so I thought! Had I known my life would be transformed I would have gone before him! I could even have been the District Director – not Frank!

Should have, would have, could have? That doesn’t change the fact that Frank was resilient and kept inviting me until I attended. He didn’t leave me there. He helped me take the second step.

How many people help you take the second step? Or better yet, how many people have you helped take the second step?

I want to encourage you to champion the “Sponsor a member for Christmas” campaign.

This campaign is aimed at helping the general public out there to know about the existence of Toastmasters, experience a club event but most importantly take the “second step” – join a club and participate.

Champion this campaign and recognize all the Toastmasters that pay it forward. They help people encounter the fortunate coincidence of ending up in the Toastmasters community of #PeopleMakingHistory like you and I. Let us grow our community of #ProudToastmasters. You and I can!

Thank you, Frank, for transforming my life. You did not only invite me to Toastmasters, you encouraged me to join and today I am thriving in my dream career because of you. May we have more “Franks”!

Andrew Tsuro-DTM