Leadership opportunities – World Class Leadership

Leadership opportunities – World Class Leadership

I will never regret the day I joined my club, Centurion Toastmasters, about three years ago. Including many other visits I made to clubs in and around the two cities of Pretoria and Johannesburg. Wherever I went I found myself participating in one role or another even in ordinary club meetings, in club officer training, individual club competitions, club and division contests, ‘I saw, I listened to and I felt something that changed my life forever.”

Why is that so?

Currently most of my revenue comes from facilitating Management Development Training Courses for government, quasi-government, non-governmental and private sectors of the different countries spanning all over Africa and beyond. Does it ring a bell that the best way to respect your audience is to make thorough preparation before making your speech or presentation. For the last one and half years I have been receiving not only standing ovations from my delegates but appreciation phone calls from foreign-based training institution heads. I have also received face to face feedback from course coordinators of appreciation expressed by the delegates at the end of the courses that I would have facilitated.

I look back and reflect on where I acquired all the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours. To be honest I have been through many institutions and companies where similar education and training was conducted, but it took the Toastmasters Leadership and Communication Programmes to reinforce all that in a conducive and friendly atmosphere.

Some of the people who come for training see that as an opportunity to come and rest far away from the workplace. How does one arouse interest from a somehow ‘apathetic’ or disinterested delegate? I quickly remembered what I learnt about how to capture the attention of the audience, keep them engaged and have something to take home at the end of each training session. In between gathering adequate convincing facts, arranging them in simple yet flowing manner filled with humour, personal story telling and call to action has left many delegates not only charmed but rejuvenated, transformed and inspired to go and perform better in their workplaces. The Toastmasters Leadership and Communication Programmes is a highly formidable ally of mine to keep my audience engaged and inspired. Remember such techniques as ‘power of three”, alliteration, oxy-morons, hyperboles and similes once introduced to us in our English lessons but made so exciting, relevant and applicable in the Toastmaster’s world.

One senior government official from a famous north African country stood up, saluted me and gave me a hundred United States dollars as a token of appreciation. He confessed that he had attended many training sessions in Dubai, United States of America, Europe and Asia but found my sessions informative, practical and convincing. He promised to arrange a training trip to his country to train his subordinates as well.

From focusing on the big picture, through building and leading high performing teams to transforming plans into action. Toastmasters has an easier and friendly way of walking you through all steps to success. It moulds your character, it builds your confidence and takes your leadership to world class level.

With Toastmasters, I feel I can climb any mountain of challenges life can throw at me and excel as a well rounded world class leader in my Training company.

Francis Tsuro
Centurion Toastmasters – Pretoria