Member Moment – Value for Money

We live in a society where most people are invariably looking to make the next buck at any cost by hook or crook. Serving in Toastmasters over the last couple of months, has often meant having to explain to some people what the cost of being part of Toastmasters is, and in a cash strapped economy like Zimbabwe, the risk of being viewed as a money-making scheme by some well-spoken scammers is definitely a thought that may cross through a prospective member’s mind.

Reflecting on the past couple of months in Toastmasters,

I must admit that I found myself rather pleasantly surprised when I started seeing individuals I had mentored growing in leaps and bounds.

They were determined to improve, and the curriculum really aided them in seeing tangible results as they worked persistently towards their personal development. This observation for me has been one of my greatest motivations to remain a Toastmaster. I have the privilege of not only assisting some fellow Toastmasters meet goals, but in the process, I myself learning to become a better mentor, improve my interpersonal skills, and have the opportunity in vicariously enjoying the success of those I mentor.

There is a proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. Truer words were never spoken in the context of effective communication. What a privilege it is to be able to go together with fellow Toastmasters towards realising communication and leadership goals! Hence now when I have to sell Toastmasters, it’s not out of compulsion, it’s out of first-hand experience that this is the real deal. The most value for money opportunity available on the market. Not to mention, as often stated by DTM Edmore B Gumundani, “If it’s not fun, it’s not Toastmasters!”

Terry Nesu Kandiado

Dream Achievers Zimbabwe