Did you know about O.U.R.Con?

Did you know about O.U.R.Con?

Did you know about O.U.R Con?

Well, neither did I, until Makgahlela Talane and Zoya Mabuto gave us a taste of what it was and what it was bringing to the Toastmasters stage we were on. What stood out the most about how they opened up O.U.RCon to the immediate audience of the day was that it was about US, and us includes you.

Themed O.U.RCon, this is the annual District 74 Toastmasters Conference where contest winners and learners are determined, with the winners advancing on towards representing District 74 internationally and as Makgahlela Talane spoke words of faith during the last Problem Solving COT, “The next public speaking champion is coming from District 74!”

O.U.RCon promises to be a place where Toastmasters alike and different, young and old, funny and inspiring, will get exposed to the magical world of being a Toastmaster in this wonderful time of being alive.

  1. Take a moment and envision the CONnection(s) you would make with individuals at the CONference.
  2. Take a moment and think about what the result would be when you take OWNERSHIP of your Toastmasters journey from a Club setting to District level decision making setting. Ownership, looking at how you want your learnings to pan out, how you want the Toastmasters network to benefit yourself and fellow District 74 Toastmasters.
  3. Think of a moment when you and others UNITE to achieve a common goal sprouting from a common idea. This CONference wants all Toastmasters to UNITE and be one. UNITE and do good, great and awesome things TWOgether.
  4. What’s your Philosophy on RESPONSIVENESS? Is it a quality, an action or a thought? Well, whatever your philosophy is, we need you to be RESPONSIVE in the call to action by OUR district.

You definitely need to attend this event aka O.U.RCon taking place at Thaba Eco Hotel in the South of Johannesburg on the 16th of May to the 19th of May 2019. O.U.RCon promises to be beneficial to your Toastmaster core which has a direct influence on your professional and social core.

Your cores will be impacted by:

• The vast number of Toastmasters coming together to OWN their futures as leaders of the continent and world at large
• The sharing of stories that captivate OUR heartbeats during a night of storytelling
• A fun-filled O.U.RCon amazing race that won’t be scripted because of how impromptu it will be
• Being marveled by the contestants who will be competing to represent our district and bring the trophy home to OUR district after they deliver their winning speech in August of 2019 on the world stage of public speaking

Those are some, but not all of the benefits that are in-store for you as an attendee and participant at the event. Oh, there are suprise Keynote speakers in store for you, courtesy of the hosting Division. It’s bound to be LIT like the Division itself.

Register on www.maycon.co.za and make payment to secure yOUR spot for the event. You’re in for a showcase of magic, while being surrounded by the beauty of nature at Thaba Eco.

Look out for more information on this event on social media and from OURCON Stars.

O – Ownership
U – Unite
R – Responsive

Matimu Marcus Manganyi

Deloitte Siyakhuluma Johannesburg