As the Toastmaster year comes to an end, it’s always a useful exercise to review the past year and all its events. Reflecting on what happened during the year, what we accomplished, and what we could have done better will bring closure to the year and provide the space for valuable learning, and an opportunity to welcome our successors. It’s also a good idea to take some time to review the past before thinking about the year ahead.
When you close the chapter of the past year, you can move into the future. It’s like starting afresh, with a clean slate, it gives us an opportunity to create what we want. Don’t worry if your goals seem tough — with deliberate planning and execution, anything is possible.
I would encourage you to evaluate, what has happened the last year, try to focus not only on the last three months, think about what you have learnt, think about what you want to leave behind and think about what you have to be grateful for.
Once you have reflected it is easier to set your goals for the next year, visualise where you want to be 12 months from now, and plan how to get there, I always make one impossible goal too, a real stretch. Impossible goals help you reach higher for something new and which otherwise might never happen.
Good luck with your goals