The role of Club President if executed well is the most challenging of all club officer roles but, also the most rewarding. I wish you the best of experience, learning and success in this role. The most successful Club Executive Committees in Toastmasters meet at-least once a month. This month as a Club President I recommend that you focus on:
- Organising a handover meeting if it hasn’t already taken place where the outgoing club officer team meets, briefs and orients your team on the state of affairs at your club. From this meeting, your team should leave with:
(i) all club assets and files available on the club including a plan to ensure you and your Treasurer have access to the club bank account,
(ii) a clear plan of how you are going to approach all your members to find out what their needs and goals are and expectations from the club. Some clubs plan a special meeting for goal-setting and also conduct a Moments of Truth session to achieve these objectives. - Organising a date when your team is going to complete your Club Success Plan, budget for the year and team building if it hasn’t already taken place. Consider asking your Executive up-front to form sub-committees (e.g. Education Committee, Membership Committee, PR Committee, e.t.c.) whom they can invite to this meeting.
- Ensuring that all my club officers are trained. Past Division Director Lazola Belle, DTM put it well when he said “A trained club officer delivers value to the member.” We don’t get trained to get a DCP goal but, so that each member on the team knows not only what they are expected to do but, why and how they should execute it. Contact your Area Director to find out the date for your local training.
The above 3 activities are more strategic and you will find that there are operational activities you will need to handle. For example, if you are President of a corporate club or a community club whose members struggle to pay their semi-annual dues in one payment, the time is now to invoice your company or members and begin the collection of semi-annual dues. You may also want to prepare for the Smedley Award by planning a guest focused event in August whose PR needs to begin this month in order to achieve the success.
My team and I are committed to your success. Most of these aspects will be covered at Club Officer Training and we will host follow-up virtual support sessions to ensure you are supported in your role. Most importantly, your Area Director is on standby to help you succeed in fulfilling your responsibility to your club. I look forward to your success in this role.
I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to write to me and let me know what it is that the district can do for you in order for you to serve your members better and any other feedback you would like to share on my email