Let’s talk of Treasurer’s Excellence

It is that time for us to ensure our members renew their commitment to Toastmasters International financially. It is time for our members pay to play!

As Club Treasurer, this August, your focus should ideally be in communicating with members the need to renew their dues on time. You play a pivotal part in ensuring that you collect the dues from all members who are renewing and at pay them over to Toastmasters International online for at least 20 members by 20 September 2018. Are you on track?

Here are a few ways you could do so:

  1. Get your club member roaster from Club Central.
  2. Contact each and every member asking them to pay their dues, issue them with an invoice.
  3. Ask them if they could pay at the least, half of the dues by 30 August and the balance by 15 September.
  4. For those not renewing, find out why? If it is because of  financial constraints, speak to your EXCO and consider the Garmeson Trust
  5. Follow up/Remind members a week before the 25th to pay their dues.
  6. Ask the members again around the 26th for members who have paid their dues..
  7. Thank and appreciate members who have paid their dues, consider asking them to share with the club why they paid their dues in time.

With this, you are more likely guaranteed to have your dues paid in time, and if by the 20th of September, the payment is through to Toastmasters International – you will have achieved your first Treasurer’s Excellence award together with R250 Fitness reward voucher.

Are you ready?