Open House Events-SAA Role

Hopefully by now you will have seen material and information on the Smedley Award available to clubs during August and September. The Vice Presidents Membership and Public Relations will be working on a programme to have Open-House events at your club – specifically to include as many guests as possible and showcase the benefits of Toastmasters to guests.

One way you can contribute to this programme is to facilitate these Open-House events by planning the venue, ensuring enough room and seating in the venue as well as catering and facilitating the smooth operation of the showcase. You might consider additional decoration and branded material to promote Toastmasters as well as create the best atmosphere to showcase your club to potential members.

Additionally, speak to the presenters on the programme before the event to ensure that you are aware of what is required in terms of props, placement of the lectern and other technical requirements so you are able to facilitate the smooth running of the event. If projectors and laptops are required to be set up beforehand, set aside time to ensure this happens and works for the speaker. Working with the Toastmaster of the event will also ensure you are both aware of what is required and how to make the best of this event.

With Open-House events, you will pretty much be doing what you always do for Club meetings, except, on a larger scale. So keep doing what you have been doing and ensure your Club’s Open-House event thrives.

Keith Bowen DTM
Immediate Past District Director