

Education is an important part of every Toastmaster’s journey, and it is a critical aspect of all club meetings around the world. Develop and practice communication and leadership skills in the safe, supportive environment of your club, working through projects and assignments that enable you to build real–world skills in a variety of disciplines. Learn at your own pace in a proven curriculum that was built on four guiding principles that have been in place since Toastmasters was founded in 1924:

Experiential learning – By giving speeches and fulfilling leadership roles, you practice and improve.

Peer feedback – Grow and improve through honest and supportive peer evaluation.

Mentoring – Experienced mentors encourage, guide and support you in your goals and help you to achieve more than you thought possible.

Self-paced program – Develop skills at your own pace and comfort level.

Toastmasters education is comprised of the traditional education program, the Pathways learning experience, the Youth Leadership Program, the Interpersonal Communication Program and the Speechcraft Program.

Purpose of the Reformation

The Reformation team is expected to produce a reformation proposal that outlines the boundaries of two new Districts in Southern Africa, providing for equal opportunities for growth in both Districts as well as leadership opportunities and financial viability.

What is the ‘burning platform’?

When a District grows beyond 250 clubs it becomes administratively difficult for the District leadership team to fulfil the District mission (to grow clubs and support clubs in achieving excellence).  Clubs may struggle to get the same level of support as if in a smaller District.

Reformation process

The Reformation process is guided by Protocol 7.0 of the Toastmasters International governing documents.  The District Director appoints a reformation committee to develop a reformation proposal, investigating growth potential, leadership potential and financial viability of the two proposed Districts.


  • A proposal will be presented at the May Council meeting in 2021.
  • If successful the proposal will be submitted to the International Board of Directors for approval.
  • Upon approval, a period of transition kicks off the following July (2022) with the election of two Club Growth Directors, one Program Quality Director and one District Director.
  • The following year (July 2023) two CGDs and two PQDs join with one District Director.
  • Only in July 2024 would the two Districts formally come into existence with two District Directors elected.
Protocol 7.0: District Structure
4. Reformed or Consolidated Districts

  1. The Board reviews the status of Districts with more than 240 clubs every three (3) years, or sooner if necessary, to determine if reformation is in the best interests of Toastmasters International and the clubs.
  2. The Board may also consider consolidating a District with another District or Districts if it has fewer than 60 clubs.
  3. Any District with 200 or more clubs that wants to be considered for reformation may, after approval by a majority of the District Executive Committee, submit a letter of inquiry to the Chief Executive Officer for review with the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee provides its recommendation to the Board.
  4. If the Board approves the request or directs a reformation, the District Director appoints a reformation committee to conduct a detailed needs analysis that includes the following:
    1. Map of proposed boundaries demonstrating that the reformed Districts will have no fewer than 100 clubs each
    2. Reasons why the reformation is in the best interests of the members, the clubs, the Districts, and Toastmasters International
    3. Implementation strategy
    4. Marketing plan projecting growth and identifying key market opportunities for both Districts
    5. Succession plan identifying qualified future leaders in both Districts
    6. Financial projections demonstrating the anticipated income and expense for both Districts
    7. The needs analysis is submitted to the Chief Executive Officer for review with the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee provides its recommendation to the Board.
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D74 Alignment Proposal 2024 (Revised)

Size: 58.95 KB
Hits: 69
Date added: 24-04-2024
Date modified: 24-04-2024

D129 Alignment Proposal 2024 (Revised)

Size: 60.76 KB
Hits: 91
Date added: 24-04-2024
Date modified: 24-04-2024


Size: 2.17 MB
Hits: 366
Date added: 13-04-2023
Date modified: 13-04-2023

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All times CAT Harare/Johannesburg
Division Y Wed 28 April, 19:00
Division P Thu 29 April, 17:30
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Fri 30 April, 18:30 / 20:30 MUT
Division L Sat 1 May, 08:30
Division E Sat 1 May, 10:00
Division H Mon 3 May, 17:30
Division D Mon 3 May, 19:00
Division M Tue 4 May, 17:30
Division A Wed 5 May, 17:30
Division Z Wed 5 May, 19:00
Division O Thu 6 May, 17:30
Division I Thu 6 May, 19:00

Past Events

Town hall meetings (click to register)
Tue 16 March, 18:00

Thu 18 March, 18:00
Wed 31 March, 18:00
Sat 3 April, 09:00


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