District Director’s Note

Every year, during February and March, clubs talk about achieving the Talk Up Toastmasters Challenge. The challenge is to add 5 new, dual or reinstated members to your club during these two months.

Yet so few clubs in our District achieve this award. Let us all ensure that this year is different and stop talking about achieving the award and let us just do it and go ahead and achieve the award. This is my challenge to each club.

WHY is this important?

  1. Toastmasters changes lives and touching the lives of 5 guests and converting them to new members of your club will forever help them become the best version of themselves, through the Toastmasters Programme.
  2. The club enjoys a diversity of members that adds to the member and guest experience when they attend the club meetings.
  3. There are more members to fill roles and give each role their own unique personality.
  4. There are new speakers to listen to, with their own stories that will inspire and motivate your club members.
  5. A greater pool of people to give the speakers valuable feedback that will help them become better speakers and leaders.

Lets do this together, District 74 and change the lives of people who are not YET members of our amazing organisation.