District Director’s Note

District Director’s Note

Happiness is receiving a gift on an ordinary day!!

I woke up on Friday, the 23rd of October to an email from the International President, Richard Peck DTM, informing me that, as a member who has paid their October renewals I was entitled to a FREE path of my choosing. I was ecstatic! I have recently completed my last Path and needed to choose and pay the $20 for my next path. I carefully planned my budget so that I could pay for it on pay day. This gift of a FREE path means that I have around R400-00 extra in my budget for November. I am so grateful to Toastmasters International!!

I hope you were as excited as I was to unwrap your gift of a FREE path.

What does this all mean??

Any member who has already paid their renewals for October or any member that pays their October renewals by the 31st of December will be entitled to claim this gift of a FREE path. This is a gift from Toastmasters International in recognition of the difficult economic times that COVID has left every country in and the financial strain that so many of our members are under.

A few things to remember and bear in mind: –

  • This offer needs to be taken up by the 31st of March 2021
  • There is no time limit as to when you have to complete this gift of a FREE path
  • You do not need to finish a Path before registering a new Path
  • Even if you are currently working on two different Paths, you can go ahead and register your gift of a FREE path
  • This is an offer of one FREE path per member so if you are a member of a few clubs you are only entitled to one gift of a FREE path
  • You need to have been a member during the March renewals, so a reinstated member does not qualify for this gift of a FREE path
  • A new member gets one free path on registering as a member. They would not have been members in March so they do not qualify for this gift of a FREE path

Spread the word and make sure everyone gets to unwrap and use this gift. This may entice unpaid members of your club to come back and rejoin so they too can unwrap and enjoy this gift! Please contact your members who have not renewed and share this wonderful news with them.