District Director’s Note

District Director’s Note

Adopt a Club Initiative

There are around 40 clubs in our District that are not at charter strength, however, they do not qualify for an official Club Coach. To fill this gap we have come up with this initiative.

We have sent emails and called out on Social Media to the following groups of people:-

  • Past District Leaders
  • Members who have achieved their DTM’s
  • TLI Trainers
  • Members who have achieved Level 3 or higher on Pathways

If you are interested in joining this initiative, please complete this short questionnaire on this link:


There are incentives for both the individual and the club for participating in this initiative.

  1. To level the field a club will need to be at charter strength or the base at the time of adoption plus 5 new members (whichever is the greater, so a club that starts with a base of 18 when adopted will have to be at a membership of 23 after the March renewals) to be considered successful
  2. A PR/Marketing strategy for getting to charter strength needs to be done with the club Executive committee and be sent to the Adopt the Club Coordinator by end of December.
  3. A minimum of three educational sessions will have to be delivered at the club (these should be tailored to what the club needs the most). A form that this has been done will need to be signed off by the Club President and given to the Adopt the Club Coordinator.
  4. Should the club renew for 20 members (or the base plus 5 as discussed above) by the due date of the 31st of March a R200-00 voucher will be given to the club
  5. If the club is successful in embracing this initiative and achieves the objectives laid out above; the member submits the PR Plan on time, presents a minimum of the three educational slots at the club then they will receive a R250-00 voucher
  6. Every club that embraces this initiative and is at charter strength (or the base plus 5 as discussed above) by the 31st of March with a minimum of 5 DCP goals achieved will receive an additional R250-00 voucher

So please Adopt a Club today and help the club and the members of that club achieve Excellence!