District Director’s Note

District Director’s Note

Why get involved with starting a new club?

This is your opportunity to grow. Thinking of starting your own business? Wanting to grow your business? Wanting to develop your leadership skills and lead a team?

Starting a new club will help you develop these skills. So now is the time to develop or hone those skills.

Never before has the incentive to spread the word of Toastmasters and the benefits and self-growth, that we have all experienced, as members of this organization been more appealing to those members who join a new club.

Why do I say this:-

For the month of Nov, Dec and January every new club chartered does not have to pay the application to organize fee which is a saving of $120-00.

Each charter member doesn’t have to pay the $20-00 joining fee instead this contributes to the fee payable to ensure the members are paid up until the end of September. The amount payable will differ depending on the month that the club charters.

Starting a new club brings new energy into an Area and helps the struggling clubs as the enthusiasm and commitment is infectious.

Let’s not forget our own goals. We all joined Toastmasters for a reason and fulfill that reason we need to continue on our Journey and complete our various Levels on our Paths. Despite the challenges we are all facing, self-development and upskilling ourselves is of utmost importance to secure our futures.

I recently did my Icebreaker speech on my FREE path given to me by Toastmasters International and I honed my skills and received fantastic feedback. Each assignment, each role, each leadership opportunity helps us become the best version of ourselves.