Emissary – Phebe Pendon

Emissary – Phebe Pendon

On March 11, 2021, International President Richard Peck, DTM, visited our Maharlika Toastmasters Club, Phillipines, where he served as a General Evaluator! We’re one of the most fortunate clubs to be included in the IP World Tour. That’s one club per country, out of 145 countries.

That was the beginning of my active participation with the IPWT Visiting Toastmasters (VTM) Team who has been following Richard in his IPWTour. My attendance in various clubs enhanced my appreciation of the various cultures, people, tourist places and satisfied my thirst for traveling to some extent. While I have travelled internationally for over 33 years, I have not gone as far as South Africa.

Toastmasters enabled me to virtually visit South Africa. April 20, 2021 was my first time to participate in one of the most vibrant clubs in District 74, The Village Toastmasters Club from Edenvale. It seemed like I was actually meeting with them in person as I felt the warmth of their reception. I was impressed by how they managed the meeting, where they integrated an amazing presentation of their culture, arts and tourist places. Perhaps, my open fascination with the South African culture and appreciation of their people made me exude interest in South Africa.

Moving forward, I was fascinated further by yet another impressive club, the Evolving Ladies Toastmasters Club in Harare, Zimbabwe. At the onset, I resonated with them as I am taking on the same journey as an ever-evolving person. Their creative and interesting meeting captivated my attention, with their entertaining presentation of culture, music, dances, tourist places and amazing speeches. One of the great speeches, “The Man in the Mirror” was so inspiring. Finally, one of the inspirational features of the meeting was a presentation of the culturally influenced wedding of two Toastmaster members.

How did it all start?

I was in the middle of my term as President of Maharlika Toastmasters Club (2019-2020) when I was diagnosed with a rare kidney cancer! The best blessing I had was that it was detected at a very early stage! My urology surgeon and oncologist declared me cancer free, right after partial nephrectomy. Amazingly, that was the only main surgical intervention I had to go through and while recovering from surgery in December 2019, Covid 19 broke out in Wuhan, China.  

For me, one of the best outcomes of the pandemic and lockdown was the integration of Toastmasters in my own personally designed rehabilitation program. As club President, I immediately identified three of our gifted members to explore strategies to implement our virtual meetings! Right after the lockdown in Manila in March 16, 2020, we commenced our on-line meetings!.  Technologically adept, our zoom masters significantly contributed to our being one of the best managed Toastmasters clubs. Moreover, the pandemic led me to explore thoroughly the Toastmasters International website and attend various club meetings in the Philippines, Asia, USA and Africa. One of these clubs was the first on-line club in North America, where I had my first encounter with the International President as the inspirational speaker during their club anniversary!

Those who wish to get in touch with Phebe Pendon can reach her on; toastmaster.phebe.pendon@gmail.com