Lekgotla La District 74 Division Statistics

Fellow Toastmasters have you registered for Lekgotla La District 74 at www.maycon.co.za?  Division L is leading the registration race for the conference and I wonder which Division will dethrone them. 

There is a lot of important things that happen at the annual conference and one of them is the Council Meeting.  Club Presidents and VPEs have an opportunity to influence decisions and join Cabinet members, Division Directors and Area Directors to vote or challenge motions.  We vote for the next Cabinet members and Division Directors at the Council meeting. 

All the qualifying clubs have two votes, the President’s & the VPE’s vote.  As a member you get to influence how your Club President and VPE exercise their voting rights at the Council meeting.  All members are encouraged to attend the council meeting. 

Do the right thing, register for the conference…you snooze you lose. 

Tebogo Ramaahlo, DTM

Lekgotla La District 74 Convenor