Mentor/Mentee – Jennilee Kohima and Natalia Haikali

Mentor/Mentee – Jennilee Kohima and Natalia Haikali

Being a Toastmaster for over three years and almost reaching DTM level, I wondered what’s next? What could I still do for my club and for myself? While Toastmasters offers an opportunity to experienced members to transfer their skills to those coming into the organization to hold their hands through the first few speeches, I had the pleasure of guiding Natalia through her first few speeches.

I must confess that it was an excellent decision to take up mentoring new members because I got to learn so much from Natalia through her speech writing, rehearsing and delivery. She used all the support and took responsibility for her learning. She has developed as a Toastmaster in the midst of COVID-19 and our relationship has blossomed from that of Mentor-Mentee to Toastmasters sharing knowledge on other aspects of life.