Note from the Editor

Note from the Editor

Do you still remember the first ever speech you delivered at your club? Regardless of it being an Ice – Breaker or a Table Topic, I am sure you can clearly recall every moment of it, the torment and panic of being stuck, literally and physically, perspiring like a fountain, while the throat felt as parched as a desert, having a belly full of butterflies and most importantly thinking, “Why am I embarrassing myself?” After delivering the speech, the conventional wisdom was that you would never want to risk yourself with another speech, at least not in the near future!

Surprisingly, by the time you got back home or logged off from a virtual meeting, you would be thinking of the next speech topic and how soon you could deliver it. How could someone with no intention to deliver any more speeches change their perception so quickly? It is indeed the power of the Toastmasters experience. Dues are now due. I recommend that we start paying now to continue enjoying this experience. Remember it’s almost contest season and your contest eligibility can be negatively affected.

We share in the success of one of our Past District Directors, Frank Tsuro, DTM who was recently appointed as Region 11 Advisor serving West Africa, East Africa, Qatar, Pakistan and Southern Africa. Congratulations to you Frank. Welcome to District 74, Timbila Toastmasters Club and Soweto Siyakha. With heavy hearts, we also bid farewell to the late John Kuhn, our pioneer DTM in Southern Africa.

This newsletter continues to be an essential platform to allow members to communicate their thoughts, achievements and goals while highlighting events that revolve around the world of Toastmasters.

Many thanks go to you fellow Toastmasters who contribute in various ways to make this newsletter a success. You are an inspiring reality as to what great results teamwork and commitment can bring. Enjoy this issue! We always welcome your feedback and your 50 – 100 words content together with a picture to and Cc

Remember to be socially safe.
