In the end, we editors just pass through. We all know that you, the readers, are the real carriers of the flame.
Alan Rusbridger
If you’re reading this, then it means we got to publish and I’m sitting back after one of our long editions. Besides our regular pillars, today’s edition features District 74’s outgoing and incoming Directorate. The outgoing team has one question to answer. What has been the highlight of your year? The incoming team will also be answering one question, albeit a different one. What are you looking forward to the most in your new role? Read the interesting and insightful answers inside.
You know that feeling you get when you realise there’s only so many episodes left of a show? That’s kind of how I feel as I sit to write this, my final note as Editor of Achieving Excellence. It feels as though I am about to finish the biggest box set of my life. Like a gripping series, for the last twelve months, Achieving Excellence has taken up any spare time I had. Always bingeing, always squeezing in one more ‘episode’. My relationship with Achieving Excellence hasn’t always been the healthiest but it has been very rewarding.
I’m pleased to say that a talented editor, Benetria Naciiba Milambo and her new team, will be taking over. I hope Achieving Excellence gives you everything it’s given me and that you can give it even more in return. I wish you all the very best in your future responsibilities and opportunities.
Telling the stories of District 74 and its worldwide community has been a great pleasure for which I am immensely grateful. Whatever excellence has been achieved, none of it would have been possible without great colleagues, leaders and mentors.
I want to recognize all those who came before me. To the former editors and those who started it all, we stood on the shoulders of giants. A heartfelt thank you to my editorial team (pictured above) who were mostly unseen but did the work anyway, with their convictions and talent, yet without getting the credit they so rightly deserved; they made the task so much easier for me. The time we have spent together has been rich in fulfillment, at least for me, possibly for them too, and above all, I hope, for you, our readers too.
I want to thank the thousands of Toastmasters members who have given their support, by participating in stories, contributing articles and by being interested and regular readers. Achieving Excellence magazine is for you and I hope you will continue to enjoy it.
Finally, Maud Nale, our tireless Public Relations Manager, you made all of us look good. You were the engine at the heart of Achieving Excellence and its success is a reflection of your excellent leadership and ability to keep us on track.
I think it’ll be a long time before I can actually unpack everything I’ve learnt from my experience in this role. In the last moments that I have on this platform, I guess all I want to say is: THANK YOU.
Make it a priority to always protect yourself and others.
-Martha Mpakula – Achieving Excellence Editor 2020/2021