Social Event – Le Phénix French Club

Social Event – Le Phénix French Club

2019, At the club launch

I believe for one to be an effective leader it is of utmost importance to be an effective communicator, which is even better, when you need to reach the masses. Having the ability to reach the masses comes from being multi lingual, that is, the capability to speak more than two languages.
The French Toastmasters club, Le Phénix, was birthed end of 2019. The purpose of the club is for the members to learn and practice communication skills in an internationally recognized foreign language. The club is open to any English speakers who would like to learn French and give presentations in French and the French speakers who would like to sharpen public speaking skills in French as well as English. The English speakers interested in joining the club do not need to be proficient in French. Joining the club gives the individual a chance to learn the language by speaking it. The same is true for the French speakers.

For more information on how to be a member, please contact;

Tsitsi Mpofu +263 772 877 474

Or Bob Nsingi +263 78 583 25 41