Has your Club ever been through a real shake-up? Our club, Tarentaal Toastmasters Club in Windhoek, Namibia, went through a rough patch this past season (Dec 2020/ Jan 2021). After a long period of cultivating a somewhat monotonous climate the oldest Toastmasters Club in Namibia called an emergency meeting in January. Man, did we show up to the party! On 17 February, soon after the lockdown was lifted, our members banded together and we discussed changes, ideas and exciting new solutions for our club, moving forward. As a result of the Tarentaal Toastmasters members’ efforts, we had a fantastic turn out for our first face-to-face meeting of the year. Henry Ford said it best: “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Indeed our club is a success.
Facebook page: Toastmasters Windhoek: Tarentaal