Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) – A mandate to serve

Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) – A mandate to serve

In my early years of Toastmasters, I thought that the Toastmasters Leadership Institute was some “mystical creature” in the then Lieutenant Governor Education’s office (now referred to as the Program Quality Director’s Office). What was TLI? Why did it need a whole chairperson to head it? What was the function of such an arm?

When I became an Accredited TLI Trainer in 2011 it became demystified, I had the opportunity to share my expertise and experiences with fellow leaders. The twice a year(COTi and COTii) presented platforms to sharpen the saws for the club leaders. It is little wonder that the organisation is officially celebrating a century in the next three years.

When leaders are trained, they have a better chance at leading well and creating successful clubs. Training is never a waste of time. It is an opportunity to enhance one’s capacity as an individual. In every training that I have participated and facilitated I have learnt something that I have used, be it in my club, in my work or in my life in general. The TLI arm
is an important arm to coordinate the growth of our leaders.

For the month of March TLI presents opportunities to attend Mentors Without Borders Season 2 on 1 March and 15 March from 1800-2000hrs with your host Andrew Tsuro, DTM. As the contest season heats up, you can attend workshops on How to Run Effective Contests on 2 March and 9 March hosted by the District 74 Chief Judge Senate Leeuw, DTM. To attend, please register on this link; You can also attend and come along with your new members to Pathways and Basecamp for members on 4 March at 1800hrs hosted by one of our prolific TLI Coordinators affectionately known as Granny Be, DTM. To attend register on this link; Please take note of the other trainings on the accompanying calendar.

Toastmasters is “Where leaders are made” and everyone is a leader. The mandate of TLI is to present these opportunities for leaders to build their capacities and perform better as we work to enhance the club experience and “provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership
skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth”. The mandate of TLI is to serve.

Edmore B Gamundani, DTM
District TLI Chairman


Tue,218:00-19:00All about contest rules Workshop
Wed,318:00-19:00CGD Masterclass
Thu,418:00-19:00Pathways and base camp for
Sat,6TBAMeeting Roles &
Mon,817:30-18:30Navigating Pathways – for New Members and those who need a
Tue,918:00-19:00Contest Preparation Workshop
Mon,1518:00-20:00Mentoring without
Sat,2018:00-20:00PR for Success Master Class
Sat,2009:00-10:00Speech writing – The Magic
Mon,2918:00-20:00Mentorship without