Walking in the Footsteps of Giants – Leadership Nominations for 2020-21

Walking in the Footsteps of Giants – Leadership Nominations for 2020-21

On the 14th of December, 2020, a panel of diverse leaders from Southern Africa Toastmasters, including award winning Immediate Past Presidents of two illustrious clubs, Jeminah Maema & Andani Mashikwa, Past District Directors, Frank Tsuro, Sandra Cooper (who also served as Region Advisor for Africa) and Aletta Rochat (who is a Board Member of Toastmasters International ) talked about their leadership experiences.

The panel was moderated by Hugo Ribatika, a TV news anchor and a member of Carpe Diem Toastmasters and Bryanston Breakfast Club. Some real nuggets around the value of the Toastmasters leadership journey emerged and the lessons that our leaders are continuing to learn are phenomenal. 
If you want to walk in the footsteps of giants, put up your hand to serve at club, area, division or district level.

The deadline for DISTRICT NOMINATIONS is 22 JANUARY 2021 @ 23h59.

Contact Nikki Quinn on dlc@toastmasters74.org or +27 82 805 6528 with any questions or comments.