Who have you robbed recently?
There are two things that almost every Toastmaster I have ever met, across our District and other Districts from all over the world, have in common.
- The Toastmasters Programme and being a member of this organization has changed their lives and helped them become a better version of themselves.
- They wish that they had started their Toastmasters’ journey earlier.
If you believe, as I do, that every single person could benefit from the Toastmasters Programme, then invite people to attend a Toastmaster meeting. Don’t judge or decide for them, don’t think that they won’t be interested or are too good a speaker or leader. Just invite them.
If you are one of the many Toastmasters whose life has changed through being a member of Toastmasters International, then who have you robbed recently of this same opportunity by not extending an invitation to them?
Play your part today and help someone start their journey to becoming the best version of themselves and invite a friend, a family member, a colleague, or a neighbour to your next club meeting.
Today the first Toastmaster International membership drive starts – The Smedley Award. To achieve the Smedley Award a club needs to add 5 new members, dual members or reinstated members during the months of August and September. Clubs that achieve this award will also be given 250 points towards the CFR league.
I challenge each member and each club to work together to achieve The Smedley Award and together we will help change many people’s lives.