by excellence | Sep 15, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence – 15 September 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
When I joined Toastmasters, almost 30 years ago, I really believed that Toastmasters had nothing to teach me. So why did I join, you may ask? I joined because having achieved full colours at school for both Oratory and Debate I missed being on stage and the applause!...
by excellence | Sep 15, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence – 15 September 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
Twice a year, Toastmasters International undertakes the task of requalifying its members. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, membership value is not determined by Toastmasters International, but by us, the members. The reason I renew my investment in...
by excellence | Sep 15, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence – 15 September 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
“Toastmasters gets me out of my shell. It challenges me. I have made some amazing friends in Toastmasters and that’s one thing I will always be grateful for.”-Elaine O’Gorman DTM Whether it’s reaching out to all the clubs or equipping the entire Division H...
by excellence | Sep 15, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence – 15 September 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
Have you reinvested in yourself yet, it’s almost time up……! The clock is ticking; we are just a couple of days away from the renewal deadline. We are indeed living in unusual times where we have to streamline our expenditure and focus on those critical areas. As we...
by excellence | Sep 15, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence – 15 September 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
On the 12th of September 2020, about 150 Toastmasters from Southern Africa and other regions gathered in a Zoom meeting to evaluate their return on investment, in the Toastmasters Indaba2 event. The Toastmasters Indaba is a safe platform where members of Toastmasters...
by excellence | Sep 15, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence – 15 September 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
We join Toastmasters for varied reasons. One of the common reasons is to become more confident with speaking in public. While our idea of ‘public’ has been reduced to blocks of people on our laptop and phone screens, there are now more opportunities than...