by andrew | Jun 29, 2020 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
Well, what a year it turned out to be, I had no idea of what lay ahead when I was installed into this role. As leaders, we never know what might come our way, and this year was certainly no different. I was installed by the DTM who was a member of my first...
by andrew | Jun 11, 2020 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
End of the Traditional Education Program – June 30, 2020, and the end of the traditional education program, has nearly arrived. While there are less than 30 days to submit traditional education awards for credit in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP), we will...
by andrew | Jun 11, 2020 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
LOL I know this title looks crazy considering COVID 19 and the global freeze we are experiencing and the fears of travel that we have accumulated over this time. I do however want to share this story 3 weeks back, I hosted a virtual meeting for Authors. As you know...
by andrew | Jun 11, 2020 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
As the Toastmaster year comes to an end, it’s always a useful exercise to review the past year and all its events. Reflecting on what happened during the year, what we accomplished, and what we could have done better will bring closure to the year and provide the...
by andrew | Jun 5, 2020 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
Grab your eggs and bacon, here we go! Centurion Breakfast Toastmasters have impressed me more than ever before during the past 3 months. They took the lockdown in their stride, picked up their knives and forks and paid their tickets for the online speaking journey....
by andrew | Jun 5, 2020 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
It’s that time of the Toastmaster year that the new leadership team of your club, division and district step forward. I recently found a Toastmasters magazine from 1994 and a manual from 1984 and it reminded me that we are part of an organisation that keeps...