On A Point Posts

On A Point Posts

What lies ahead ?

Well, what a year it turned out to be, I had no idea of what lay ahead when I was installed into this role. As leaders, we never know what might come our way, and this year was certainly no different.  I was installed by the DTM who was a member of my first...

I’m going to Malaysia!

LOL I know this title looks crazy considering COVID 19 and the global freeze we are experiencing and the fears of travel that we have accumulated over this time. I do however want to share this story 3 weeks back, I hosted a virtual meeting for Authors. As you know...


As the Toastmaster year comes to an end, it’s always a useful exercise to review the past year and all its events. Reflecting on what happened during the year, what we accomplished, and what we could have done better will bring closure to the year and provide the...