District Director – Here is to our best year ever

District Director – Here is to our best year ever

If you are still wondering how this year will be your best ever and need a pick-me-up, just keep with us your Toastmasters family and we will be sure to give you something to laugh, share and celebrate about.

In Toastmasters, you are part of a strong international brand, a brand that you can be proud of and share with the world. To echo the words of our founder Dr. Smedley, while most of us may have entered Toastmasters to learn to make speeches, that benefit is but the beginning of the good which may come to us and the good which we may do for mankind.

Through our every event, we will have stories of hope to share with you and in the process lives will be transformed and history made.

The District Leadership team in its entirety will pull all stops to ensure that you have the best of experiences in Toastmasters by ensuring that your club creates a more enabling environment for you to learn and grow. We are also going to work closely with your Club Leadership Team in ensuring that your club delivers on our brand promise of preparing you for your next professional or personal assignment starting off at your local Leadership Training. I would like to invite you to join us on this mission and be a part of a community that will re-write our history in Southern Africa.

I see us this year re-writing the history of many our Southern African communities, I see us this year celebrating a great deal of historic milestones together, I see us this year creating momentous memories that we will look back and smile at for many years to come and I see you as the creator of that history. I value you for your presence & fellowship, I value you for your achievement and I value you for the good you are doing for mankind. Here’s to our best year ever!

Frank Tsuro DTM

District Director