Editors Note – Inspired to be more

Editors Note – Inspired to be more

The atmosphere was electric, there was so much laughter and chit chat. I felt at home despite being surrounded by people I was meeting for the first time in my life. One would have mistaken this event as a family reunion. It was District 105 special meeting to meet the CEO of Toastmasters Dan Rex and Toastmasters International President DTM Lark Doley. I had the priviledge of listening to their world class presentations. There was also a question and answer session. Our President said if you want to become the International President you need to have a heart of a servant.

I left that meeting inspired in so many ways. I took away a lot of useful nuggets. Sharing stories and ideas with other Toastmasters and getting to hear how they have grown was an eye opener. I would like to encourage all those who get an opportunity to travel, to visit clubs in areas or countries where they visit. There is a whole world out there beyond just your club.

Happy New Year!

Linda Chimanikire DTM

OAP Editor